- 1854 – Faithful group of Lutherans from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Northern Illinois Synod, share doctrinal and personal concerns with their pastor about his preaching and lifestyle, are excommunicated, seek counsel from Pastor Johannes Boeling, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Pekin, and, after an investigation proved their claims accurate, establish the Deustche Evangelische Lutherische Dreienigleits-Gemeinde, U.A.C. – the German Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Congregation.
- 1857 – began as an official Lutheran church in Peoria on June 17, called Pastor Boeling to serve them, and met for worship in a broom shop and the Peoria Courthouse. The first church and school building was built at 821 South Adams in 1857, but was converted to solely a school facility.
- 1857 – built their second church on Maple Street (the school would join the church site in 1865) and joining the Missouri Synod.
- 1872 – Land was purchased for the Lutheran Cemetery.
- 1867-1875 – several plots of land were purchased around second church building and used for better-developed school facilities.
- 1875 – built their third church building, which was used for the next 50 years.
- 1893 – founded daughter congregation – Christ Lutheran Church and School – on Malone Avenue on the south side of Peoria.
- 1903 – built a new school building in the present 900 block of SW Jefferson.
- 1907 – celebrated the 50th anniversary of the church on June 16.
- 1917-19 – began English-speaking services in addition to the German services and changed the name to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.
- 1923-1925 – purchased land and built the fourth (and present) church building.
- 1939 – built the present parish hall and moved the school from its Maple Street location to the new church location.
- 1957 – celebrated the 100th anniversary of the church with the dedication of the “Life of Christ” stained glass window in the back of the sanctuary.
- 1958 – built the present office building complex.
- 1958-1959 – Trinity, Redeemer and Mt. Calvary Lutheran Churches joined together to form the Concordia Lutheran Central School Association and built the present Concordia Lutheran School on West Glen Avenue.
- 1961 - helped start Immanuel Lutheran Church, Peoria.
- 1968 – helped start Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Bartonville.
- 1969 – installed three stained glass windows above the altar.
- 1976 – helped start Epiphany Lutheran Church, Dunlap.
- 1979-83 – major renovation of the church, including communion rails, redesign of the altar area, refinishing of all pews and balcony rails, repainting of the sanctuary, and installation of the present Schlicker organ in the balcony (the previous Hinners organ was located up front on the right side of the sanctuary with the organ pipes in chambers on either side of the chancel).
- 1982 – celebrated the 125th anniversary of the church on June 13.
- 1995-96 – built a facility that connected the sanctuary, parish hall and office building.
- 2007 – celebrated the 150th anniversary of the church on October 20.
- 2010-17 – repaired, repainted, and added new carpet to the sanctuary, purchased new pew cushions, repaired the Life of Christ window (it had begun to sink on itself), and installed protective windows around the entire facility, built a new kitchen and restrooms in the gym, installed new environmentally friendly parking lot, and upgraded the playground.
Major Ministry History
- 25 pastors, 4 directors of Christian education, 5 cantors and numerous support staff have served Trinity in her 167 years. In addition, there have been over 100 men and women who have served as teachers, principals, music leaders and support personnel for Trinity and Concordia Lutheran School.
- Trinity’s worship life, led by the pastors, is supported by numerous members of Trinity’s family of God. They include Altar Guild, Ushers, Sound System Team, Greeters, St. Andrew Acolyte Society, Communion Assistants, Lay Readers, Security Volunteers, Childcare Ministry, and other important support systems.
- Trinity’s music ministry has included programs and ensembles for all ages and numerous genres. The Peoria Bach Festival and Trinity Concert Series provides a variety of musical experiences throughout each year.
- Trinity’s educational opportunities have varied and changed throughout her history, including weekly Sunday School for 2-year-old children through adults, Jr. Confirmation Ministry, Vacation Bible School, Faithful Friends Special Needs Class, Adult Bible Studies, WATCH Spiritual Retreat, Singing School and other seasonal and special opportunities.
- Trinity’s family of God supports and cares for one another in both informal and formal ways, including Stephen Ministry, Youth Ministry for 6-8th and 9-12th grade youth, home-based missional communities, Saturday evening and Sunday morning fellowship times, Family of God fellowship evenings, a wide range of meal events during Advent, Lent and other special times of the year, an active Thrivent congregational group, and other seasonal and special moments.
- Trinity follows Jesus on His Father’s mission by supporting Peoria-area, regional, national and international mission efforts. Trinity has an active monthly Food Pantry, weekly Snack Pack distribution at Franklin Primary School, Trinity Braille Community, Trinity Women in Mission quilting and financial support efforts, missional community connections (Bradley, Midwest Food Bank, Empower Life Center, South Side Mission, Peoria Rescue Mission, etc.), financial support of the Central Illinois District-LCMS mission efforts, foreign mission efforts throughout the years (Philippines, Haiti, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, etc.) in addition to special opportunities (servant events, Washington tornado relief efforts, etc.) as they arrive.
taking a look back through the years
In 2007, Trinity Lutheran Church celebrated its 150th anniversary with a history book that documented the its time in Peoria, as well as the generations of church servants and parishioners who helped shape its history. Click on the link below to view this book.