Childrens ministry

Trinity’s Jubilation in Your Home & at Church is your family’s opportunity to share God’s Word, mercy and life together in Jesus, making disciples at home with support from Trinity’s Family of God at church. If you have questions or ideas about Jubilation, please contact DCE Scott Rauch at 309-251-2623 or The Jubilation in Your Home! family bags are available for pickup in the Foyer.

Jubilation at Home in February

Daniel chooses to pray to God Almighty and is punished for his faithfulness ... anhd God makes sure the lions don't hurt him. Parents, arrange regular time to lead your child/ren into this story about our Savior Jesus.

Parents, remember each month at home your family can:

  • Older Children - Read from the "Action Bible" pages 484-488.
  • Younger Reader - The Arch Book "Daniel and the Lions."
  • Youngest Child - The "The Storybook Bible" pages 152-159.
  • Read the Daniel 6 story right from your Bible with your child/ren at least twice this month.
  • Watch the video "Daniel with the Lions" on the Trinity Jubilation YouTube channel. CLICK HERE to go to the channel.
  • FAMILY PRAYER TENT CARD: Take time to pray the Lord's Prayer as a family on a regular basis. Use the suggested Lord's Prayer petition.
  • REMEMBERING WORK: Have your family speak together Daniel 6:26-27 twice a week.
  • WORSHIP LITURGY FOCUS: Read the online KIDS-Collect & General Prayers sheet as a family and have your child/ren use the Fold and Do Sheet included in the packet.
  • LUTHER'S SMALL CATECHISM: Read Commandments 3-6 and their meanings, one per week, from page 3.
Download, print and have your kid work with any of the ACTIVITY SHEETS or make one of the extra crafts!

Psalm/Hymn/Spiritual Song & Teaching Videos

Find them on the Trinity Jubilation YouTube channel : CLICK HERE

  • "Confidence" -- Sanctus Real
  • Lord, I Lift Your Name on High -- African Children's Choir
  • "On Eagle's Wings" -- Michael Joncas

Jubilation at church

Here is the schedule for Jubilation at Church this month:

Feb. 2: Opening Celebration, Snack Pack Project, Story Review, and then Playtime (2-3s, Bethlehem Room; 4-11s, Sanctuary Basement).
Feb. 9 & 16: Opening Fun Song & Prayer, and then Singing Rehearsal.
Feb. 23: Story Review & Prayer, then Snack, Craft & Connection with Family Encouragers.
NOTE: The Youth Choir and Little Levites will sing in both worship services on February 23. 

Check out this month's downloadable materials

Summer Kids Day Camp at Great Oaks

Trinity Lutheran Church and Great Oaks Camp are partnering to offer an adult-supervised, child-friendly day camp for all families with children who are currently in the 3rd & 4th grades. Children can come for 1, 2, or all three days (June 12, 13 & 14). Each day will be different, with arrival at 10 a.m. each day. Each day will end with a cookout, devotion and singing. Daytime activities will include: hiking, swimming, fishing, boating, group games, crafts and Bible story time. Parents are invited to be part of the day as well. Transportation will be available from Trinity as needed.