Dear Trinity-Concordia Parents,
Concordia student tuition for the 2025-2026 school year is $8,275.00 per student.  In support of the spiritual growth of your children, Trinity will subsidize Concordia 2025-2026 tuition costs for Trinity member students as follows:
                                                                Trinity Subsidy                  Family Responsibility
1 Student                                                   $4,551.25                                            $3,723.75
2nd Student                                             $5,461.50                                            $2,813.50
Each additional Student                 $6,702.75                                            $1,572.25

To qualify for Trinity tuition subsidy, complete and submit this MEMBER COVENANT by March 31, 2025.  Additional Trinity financial aid is available for families based on need.  
Applications must be made online by March 31, 2025 through FACTS:

Member Covenant & Acceptance

As Trinity parent(s) receiving financial support for our child(ren) at Concordia, we accept the following covenant responsibilities:
  • Seek to live out Trinity’s values:
    • Habitually hear God’s Word, both in personal devotions and in corporate worship, and put it into practice.
    • Calibrate life around the Five Capitals: 1. Spiritual, 2. Relational, 3. Physical, 4. Intellectual, and 5. Financial
    • Apprentice each other as we follow Jesus.
    • Celebrate together the fruits of God's mission.
  • Encourage our children to participate in the children’s and youth ministries.
  • Attend required parent meetings.
  • Work through issues in Christian love, seek pastoral care if needed, and speak positively of Trinity and Concordia School as agencies of Christ’s Church that bring great blessings to our children and families.